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Removing Duplicates From a SQL Server TableRemoving Duplicates From a SQL Server Table
It is possible to have duplicated data in a SQL Server database table. This may happen when a user enters the same information twice, or when importing data with constraints disabled. In either case, you may wish to delete the duplicated rows.
Obfuscating SQL Server CodeObfuscating SQL Server Code
In some deployment scenarios, it is necessary to obfuscate the code for stored procedures, views, triggers and similar elements of a SQL Server database. This is useful to protect intellectual property or to hide implementation details.
Enable or Disable SQL Server AuthenticationEnable or Disable SQL Server Authentication
SQL Server supports two types of security, known as Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication. These security options are configured during the installation of the database management system but can be reconfigured later as requirements change.
SQL Server TriggersSQL Server Triggers
The sixtieth and final part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial considers the use of triggers. SQL Server triggers can be defined against tables and views to intercept insert, update and delete statements and modify their results.
SQL Server User-Defined FunctionsSQL Server User-Defined Functions
The fifty-ninth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial examines the creation of user-defined functions. These are custom functions that can be used within scripts and procedures in the same manner as standard functions.
SQL Server Table VariablesSQL Server Table Variables
The fifty-eighth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial describes table variables. These special variables differ from those that hold single values by allowing a table structure to be temporarily declared and populated with information.
SQL Server Temporary TablesSQL Server Temporary Tables
The fifty-seventh part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial investigates temporary tables. Temporary tables can be used to hold information during long-running or complex operations without locking live data rows.
SQL Server CursorsSQL Server Cursors
The fifty-sixth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial examines the use of cursors in Transact-SQL (T-SQL). Cursors are database objects that allow a data set that has been generated using a query to be processed a single row at a time.
Transact-SQL Delayed ExecutionTransact-SQL Delayed Execution
Transact-SQL includes the WAITFOR statement. This command allows the execution of a script or procedure to be blocked for a period of up to twenty-four hours. The process can be delayed until a specified time or for a number of hours, minutes and seconds.
SQL Server WHILE LoopsSQL Server WHILE Loops
The fifty-fifth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial examines Transact-SQL's (T-SQL) WHILE statement. This powerful flow-of-control command allows the creation of looping structures in scripts and stored procedures.
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