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LINQ GroupingLINQ Grouping
The sixth part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial examines grouping using the GroupBy standard query operator and equivalent query expression syntax. These allow a collection to be divided into smaller collections, each of which shares a common key.
LINQ Results OrderingLINQ Results Ordering
The fifth part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial looks at sorting collections or the results of LINQ queries. This is achieved using the group of five standard query operators that relate to ordering, or the equivalent clauses in query expression syntax.
LINQ One-to-Many ProjectionLINQ One-to-Many Projection
The fourth part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial continues the investigation of the projection operators and clauses. This article describes the use of the SelectMany operator, which allows one-to-many object hierarchies to be flattened and queried.
LINQ ProjectionLINQ Projection
The third part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial describes basic projection in LINQ using the Select standard query operator and the select clause. These allow the type of all of the values that are returned from a LINQ query to be specified.
Simple LINQ QueriesSimple LINQ Queries
The second part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial describes basic querying using LINQ features. The article discusses the "Where" standard query operator, known as the restriction operator, and the equivalent query expression syntax.
Language-Integrated QueryLanguage-Integrated Query
The first part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial describes the language-integrated query (LINQ) features that were introduced in version 3.5 of the .NET framework. LINQ provides a standardised means to query information from many different data sources.
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