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Visual Studio Watches and Object IDsVisual Studio Watches and Object IDs
Watches can be added in Visual Studio to allow the values of variables and expressions to be viewed and automatically refreshed when debugging. Usually watches are limited to local variables. With object IDs, values can be monitored even if out of scope.
Visual Studio QuickWatchVisual Studio QuickWatch
The QuickWatch dialog box is one of the large number of debugging windows and tools provided by Microsoft Visual Studio. QuickWatch allows ad-hoc expressions to be evaluated and variable values and properties to be browsed without adding a watch.
Visual Studio Watches WindowsVisual Studio Watches Windows
Visual Studio's debugging windows, such as the Locals and Autos windows, allow developers to view the current contents of in-scope variables. The Watches windows are similar, except that the contents of the window are determined by the programmer.
Visual Studio Locals and Autos WindowsVisual Studio Locals and Autos Windows
Visual Studio provides a large number of tools for use when debugging applications or stepping through code. Possibly the two most commonly used are the Locals and Autos windows, which allow variable values to be inspected and changed.
The Debugger ClassThe Debugger Class
The .NET framework's Debugger class allows programs to communicate with an attached debugger. This can be the debugger built into Visual Studio or an alternative tool that supports the functionality provided by the class.
Visual Studio Break on ExceptionVisual Studio Break on Exception
When running a program in debug mode, using Visual Studio's debugger, and encountering an exception, the default behaviour is to pause execution unless the error is handled in a try / catch block. This behaviour can be modified for each exception type.
Visual Studio 2010 Breakpoint EnhancementsVisual Studio 2010 Breakpoint Enhancements
Visual Studio 2010 introduces many enhancements when working with the debugger. Several of these relate to the use of breakpoints, including tagging breakpoints with labels, searching for breakpoints and importing and exporting their details.
DebuggerDisplay Name and Type ParametersDebuggerDisplay Name and Type Parameters
The DebuggerDisplay attribute is often used to change the way in which the values of variables are displayed in Visual Studio's debugger windows. This display can be further modified with the addition of the Name and Type parameters.
Visual Studio 2010 Pinned DataTipsVisual Studio 2010 Pinned DataTips
Visual Studio 2010 introduces several new features to assist with debugging. The improved DataTips feature allows the contents of variables and members to be made permanently visible, either pinned to the source code or floating above an editor window.
Visual Studio Immediate WindowVisual Studio Immediate Window
Visual Studio's immediate window allows interaction with variables during the execution of a program in debug mode. The window allows variable values to be inspected and modified, and methods of objects to be executed.
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