Design Patterns
.NET 1.1+

Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern

The chain of responsibility pattern is a design pattern that defines a linked list of handlers, each of which is able to process requests. When a request is submitted to the chain, it is passed to the first handler in the list that is able to process it.

What is the Chain of Responsibility Pattern?

The chain of responsibility pattern is a Gang of Four design pattern. This is a behavioural pattern as it defines a manner for controlling communication between classes or entities. The chain of responsibility pattern is used to process varied requests, each of which may be dealt with by a different handler. The design pattern promotes loose coupling by allowing a series of handlers to be created in a linked list or chain. The request is passed to the first handler in the chain, which will either process it or pass it on to its successor. This continues until the request is processed or the end of the chain is reached. The handler responsible for the final processing of the request need not be known beforehand.

This style of processing is used by the exception handling system in C#. When an exception is thrown, the method that caused the exception is given the chance to process it, via a try-catch block. If no suitable catch is available, the exception moves up to the calling method, which may include a try-catch. This continues until the exception is handled or until there are no more possible handlers. The try-catch block itself can be thought of as using the chain of responsibility when multiple catches, each for a different type of exception, are given the option to handle an exception.

Another example of the chain of responsibility pattern would be in the software controlling a coin slot in a vending machine. The coin could be weighed and measured and these dimensions passed into a pipeline of handlers. If a handler could process the coin, the value would be added to the current credit for the machine and the coin would be retained. If the coin could not be handled it would be rejected.

Implementing the Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern UML

The UML class diagram above describes an implementation of the chain of responsibility design pattern. The items in the diagram are described below:

  • Client. The client is the class that generates the request and passes it to the first handler in the chain of responsibility.
  • HandlerBase. This is the abstract base class for concrete handlers. It contains a member that holds the next handler in the chain and an associated method to set this successor. It also includes an abstract method that must be implemented by classes that inherit from it. The implementations of this method must either handle the request or pass it to the next object in the pipeline.
  • ConcreteHandler. The concrete handlers each inherit from HandlerBase. They include the functionality to handle some requests and pass others to the next item in the chain, should there be one.

The following shows the basic code of the chain of responsibility design pattern implemented using C#. In this case, the request passed is a simple integer value.

public abstract class HandlerBase
    protected HandlerBase _successor;

    public abstract void HandleRequest(int request);

    public void SetSuccessor(HandlerBase successor)
        _successor = successor;

public class ConcreteHandlerA : HandlerBase
    public override void HandleRequest(int request)
        if (request == 1)
            Console.WriteLine("Handled by ConcreteHandlerA");
        else if (_successor != null)

public class ConcreteHandlerB : HandlerBase
    public override void HandleRequest(int request)
        if (request > 10)
            Console.WriteLine("Handled by ConcreteHandlerB");
        else if (_successor != null)
16 July 2009