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WPF Button Controls - ButtonWPF Button Controls - Button
The sixty-first part of the Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals tutorial starts to look at the button controls provided by WPF. The first of these is the basic Button, which responds to user clicks.
WPF Button Controls - RepeatButtonWPF Button Controls - RepeatButton
The sixty-second part of the Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals tutorial continues the examination of the WPF button controls. This article describes the RepeatButton, which raises multiple events when clicked.
WPF Button Controls Class HierarchyWPF Button Controls Class Hierarchy
The sixty-third part of the Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals tutorial looks at the base classes of the WPF button controls. This article includes the inheritance hierarchy of all of the WPF controls described in the tutorial to date.
WPF Base Classes - ButtonBaseWPF Base Classes - ButtonBase
The sixty-fourth part of the Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals tutorial describes the base class of Button and RepeatButton. ButtonBase provides the shared functionality for these button controls.
WPF Date Controls - CalendarWPF Date Controls - Calendar
The sixty-fifth part of the Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals tutorial starts to look at the date controls provided by WPF. The first of these controls is Calendar, which allows the user to browse and select dates.
WPF Date Controls - DatePickerWPF Date Controls - DatePicker
The sixty-sixth part of the Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals tutorial looks at the second date control that is provided by WPF. This is the DatePicker class, which allows users to select a date using a control that looks like a combo box.
WPF Date Controls Class HierarchyWPF Date Controls Class Hierarchy
The sixty-seventh part of the Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals tutorial looks at the base classes of the WPF date selection controls. This article includes the inheritance hierarchy of all of the WPF controls seen in the tutorial so far.
WPF Selection Controls - CheckBoxWPF Selection Controls - CheckBox
The sixty-eighth part of the Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals tutorial begins a look at the selection controls provided by WPF. The first of the selection control articles describes the CheckBox.
WPF Selection Controls - RadioButtonWPF Selection Controls - RadioButton
The sixty-ninth part of the Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals tutorial continues to examine the selection controls of WPF. This article describes the RadioButton, which allows users to select one of several options.
WPF Selection Controls - ListBoxWPF Selection Controls - ListBox
The seventieth part of the Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals tutorial looks at another of the WPF selection controls. This article examines the ListBox, which allows users to select from a large number of options.
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