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SQL Server Check ConstraintsSQL Server Check Constraints
The twenty-fourth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial describes check constraints. These constraints add business rules to database tables to prevent invalid information being stored and damaging the domain integrity of the database.
SQL Server Stored ProceduresSQL Server Stored Procedures
The twenty-third part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial describes stored procedures. A stored procedure allows you to create a script, or batch, containing multiple commands to be executed, potentially being controlled by parameters.
SQL Server Indexed ViewsSQL Server Indexed Views
The twenty-second part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial describes indexed views. An indexed view is simply a view that has a unique clustered index and, optionally, one or more non-clustered indexes defined to improve query performance.
SQL Server ViewsSQL Server Views
The twenty-first part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial examines the use of views. A view is a predefined SELECT statement that can be used as a virtual table, hiding complexities such as joins and filters from the consumers of the view.
Using Transactions in SQL ServerUsing Transactions in SQL Server
The twentieth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial describes the use of transactions. Transactions allow you to execute several related T-SQL statements and ensure that the database remains consistent if one of the commands fails.
Transact-SQL JoinsTransact-SQL Joins
The nineteenth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial returns to the topic of querying. In this article, we examine joins using Transact-SQL (T-SQL). Joins allow data from several tables to be combined in a single set of results.
SQL Server Management Studio Start-Up OptionsSQL Server Management Studio Start-Up Options
When you first start SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), the default action for the program is to request the server, database and logon credentials before showing the Object Explorer. Depending upon your preferences, you may want to change this.
SQL Server Foreign KeysSQL Server Foreign Keys
The eighteenth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial examines the use of foreign key constraints. These constraints define relationships between two tables, enforcing referential integrity to avoid orphaned rows in normalised tables.
SQL Server Indexes Part 2SQL Server Indexes Part 2
The sixteenth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial continues the review of indexes in SQL Server 2005 databases. This article expands upon an earlier discussion of indexes, implementing them with SQL Server Management Studio and T-SQL.
SQL Server Indexes Part 1SQL Server Indexes Part 1
The fifteenth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial describes indexes. Indexes provide a lookup facility for a table, allowing rows to be found more quickly and without the need to scan the data in every row when querying a table.
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