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Reflecting Type Hierarchy InformationReflecting Type Hierarchy Information
The twelfth part of the Reflection tutorial describes how reflection can be used to investigate the types within inheritance hierarchies. It explains how to find the base type of a class and how to determine whether one class is a subclass of another.
Reflecting Implemented Interface InformationReflecting Implemented Interface Information
The eleventh part of the Reflection tutorial describes the techniques for examining a type and determining which interfaces, if any, it implements. The processes can be used to find implemented interfaces for classes, structures and other interfaces.
Reflecting Nested Type InformationReflecting Nested Type Information
The tenth part of the Reflection tutorial moves away from the reflection of type members and looks are the reflection of nested classes and structures. This article explains how the nested types within a class can be obtained for further interrogation.
Reflecting Inherited Member InformationReflecting Inherited Member Information
The ninth part of the Reflection tutorial looks at how members can be reflected when they are declared in types that are involved in inheritance relationships. It explains how members in base classes can be found or hidden when reflecting a subclass.
Reflecting All Type MembersReflecting All Type Members
The eighth part of the Reflection tutorial continues examining how a type's members may be interrogated using reflection. This article looks at how all of the members of a class or structure, regardless of their types, can be examined.
Reflecting Constructor InformationReflecting Constructor Information
The seventh part of the Reflection tutorial completes the series of articles that describes the reflection of the individual member types for classes and structures. This article describes the reflection of the available information for constructors.
Reflecting Event InformationReflecting Event Information
The sixth part of the Reflection tutorial continues the description of the reflection of class and structure members. This article examines the reflection of events and the properties of the EventInfo class, which describes them.
Reflecting Method InformationReflecting Method Information
The fifth part of the Reflection tutorial describes the reflection of methods. The System.Type class includes several methods that return MethodInfo objects that describe a class' methods. These can be used to obtain parameter and return value details.
Reflecting Property InformationReflecting Property Information
The fourth part of the Reflection tutorial describes the reflection of properties for classes and structures. A type's property information can be obtained as PropertyInfo objects, using methods of the System.Type class.
Reflecting Field InformationReflecting Field Information
The third part of the Reflection tutorial looks at reflection of fields. Information about a type's fields can be obtained in FieldInfo objects, using System.Type class methods. FieldInfo objects include properties that describe a field's type and scope.
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