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Creating Custom AttributesCreating Custom Attributes
The twenty-second and final part of the Reflection tutorial describes the creation and application of custom attributes. It also explains how those attributes can be configured to ensure that they are applied and inherited correctly.
Reflecting AttributesReflecting Attributes
The twenty-first part of the Reflection tutorial looks at the reflection of attributes. Attributes are used to decorate assemblies, types, members and other code to provide metadata about those items. With reflection, this metadata can be accessed.
Invoking Methods Using ReflectionInvoking Methods Using Reflection
The twentieth part of the Reflection tutorial describes the use of reflection to invoke methods of object instances. This allows late bound objects to be activated and used without needing to know the actual type or an interface that it implements.
Accessing Field and Property Values with ReflectionAccessing Field and Property Values with Reflection
The nineteenth part of the Reflection tutorial expands upon the previous instalment that dealt with instantiating late-bound types. This article looks at the methods that allow reflected field and property values to be read and changed using reflection.
Late Binding with ReflectionLate Binding with Reflection
The eighteenth part of the Reflection tutorial provides a change in direction to the previous articles, which concentrated on the extraction of information about code using reflection. This article is the first that considers late binding techniques.
Reflecting Assembly InformationReflecting Assembly Information
The seventeenth part of the Reflection tutorial looks at how information about assemblies can be obtained using reflection. This is an important prerequisite for more advanced reflection techniques, such as dynamically loading assemblies at run time.
Reflecting Generic Method InformationReflecting Generic Method Information
The sixteenth part of the Reflection tutorial continues the examination of reflection when used with generics. This article looks at the processes for extracting information about generic methods, their type parameters and generic method definitions.
Reflecting Generic Type InformationReflecting Generic Type Information
The fifteenth part of the Reflection tutorial describes reflection techniques for obtaining information about generic types. The article looks at some of the Type members introduced in the .NET framework version 2.0 that are specific to generic types.
Reflecting Array InformationReflecting Array Information
The fourteenth part of the Reflection tutorial looks at the reflection of array types. This includes obtaining the underlying type for an array, the number of dimensions and the types of the individual elements in an array of objects.
Reflecting Enumeration InformationReflecting Enumeration Information
The thirteenth part of the Reflection tutorial examines the methods of the System.Type class that provide reflection specific to enumerations and their constants. These methods, introduced in .NET 3.5, provide similar functionality to the Enum class.
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