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C# Relational Operator OverloadingC# Relational Operator Overloading
The eleventh article in the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial furthers the investigation of operator overloading. This time the overloading of the relational operators is described, allowing custom classes to be included in comparison operations.
C# Conversion Operator OverloadingC# Conversion Operator Overloading
The twelfth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial completes the investigation of operator overloading in C#. This article describes the process for overloading conversion operators to allow implicit and explicit casting between data types.
C# IndexersC# Indexers
The thirteenth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial describes the use of indexers. A class that has an indexer can be used in a similar manner to an array. Objects of the class can use array-style notation to present multiple values.
C# DelegatesC# Delegates
The fourteenth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial explains how to add delegates to classes and programs. Delegates are used to provide references to methods that may be altered at run-time. They are also essential when creating events.
C# EventsC# Events
The fifteenth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial explains the use of events. Events can be added to a class to allow it to indicate when a specific action has occurred or is about to occur. Subscribers may then react to the event.
.NET Namespaces.NET Namespaces
The sixteenth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial describes the use of namespaces. Namespaces allow classes, structures and other items to be grouped and organised and remove the possibility of class-naming conflicts.
.NET Assemblies.NET Assemblies
The seventeenth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial considers .NET assemblies. The building blocks of .NET programs, assemblies are the files that contain all of the code, versioning information and resources for an application.
C# InheritanceC# Inheritance
The eighteenth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial begins the discussion of the use of inheritance. This is a powerful object-oriented concept that permits the creation of hierarchical groups of classes that share common functionality.
C# Inheritance and ConstructorsC# Inheritance and Constructors
The nineteenth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial continues the discussion of inheritance. Constructor and destructor functionality is not inherited by subclasses but these can still use the constructors defined in their base class.
C# Abstract ClassesC# Abstract Classes
The twentieth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial investigates the use of abstract classes. These are special classes that are designed to be used only as base classes for inheritance. They do not permit the instantiation of objects.
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